Adventures takes place in Rio Verde, with the most beautiful water landscape in Granada. During our path we will absail, jump, slide and take adrenaline to the limit.
We recommend sportive physical condition for this adventure.
The toast and picnic will be the perfect opportunity to celebrate all achievements and transform moments in memories from the day
🍃 We receive reservations with 24h in advance
🍃 Transportation to and from Granada, needs in advance agreement.
🍃Estimated time for this activity is 8 hours
🔶 We recommend:
This adventure is possible from March to October, sportive or confortable clothes are necessary, also bathing suit and mountaineering or sport shoes. It is also important to take clothes for changing after as shoes and clothes will get wet.
✅ We include:
Accidents and liability Insurance
Certified guides
Individual and collective protective gear(all necessary equipment)
Snacks and water
Picnic exclusive toast
Photographs and videos
✅ Price per person:
1 person 158 €
2-3 people 79 €
4-5 people 69 €
6+ people 59 €
To make a reservation follow this steps*
✅ Payment:
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A.
Beneficiary: DIM TRAP S.L.
IBAN: ES1001820463020201630249
✅ Fill out a form for every adventurer:
Ready for adventure?
Responsable Tourism, Perfect Adventure